About R.J. Kinch

Why I write

My love of history and literature started at a young age.

As a child, I would spend endless hours arranging army men on a battlefield and building model airplanes. Instead of reading Superman Comic Books, I was interested in the Classic Comics version of Jules Verne books. My favorite subjects in high school were history and English, which presented a predicament for my next step in life.

Rather than follow my heart and major in history, I chose a more pragmatic course of study and majored in engineering. Looking back now, I have no regrets. The path I followed provided me with an interesting career where at times I lived and traveled abroad. I met so many wonderful people in my professional life. However, I decided a tenure of forty-plus years was enough and it was time to move on and do something new.

Turning that page gave me no clues to what the next chapter should be. Finally in a moment of self reflection during Covid, it dawned on me that I had never attempted to create something of artistic value in my adult life. It was time to circle back to the days of my youth and pursue my passion for history and literature and begin to write a novel.

The writing of Newark Confessions has been an incredible journey, with unexpected benefits. Writing was a cathartic experience, where time seemed to drift away when inspiration struck. Additionally, it had not occurred to me that the process of character development would cause introspection and an examination of my belief system.

Through extensive hours of writing and revision, I have developed a profound admiration for artists of all kinds. The truly gifted ones can provoke your emotions and make you think.

If you choose to read my book, I hope you enjoy it!

R.J. Kinch - March 2024